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Introducing Our End-to-End Platform
PetaPoly™ 4.0
PetaPoly™ 4.0 is a cutting-edge AI platform transforming therapy discovery and repurposing in life sciences. By leveraging polypharmacology and petabyte-scale data, it accelerates molecular evaluations, reduces trial costs, and ensures safety through extensive toxicity and efficacy simulations. Empowering innovation and precision, PetaPoly™ 4.0 pioneers effective therapeutic solutions, improving patient outcomes and advancing transformative wellness in the biotech industry.
Disease-Signalomic pathways Investigation
Network based Combination therapy analysis
AI generative and/or multi-target driven chemogenomic selection of hits compound
and prediction of Toxicity/ Phototoxicity/ ADME / PK/PD using machine learning technology
Molecular docking, protein modeling and molecular dynamics of hit compounds and target protein relationship
AI Retro-affinity analysis (Multi-dock) of hit compound and novel protein interaction
AI Prediction of the successfulness of clinical trials
Prediction of chemical synthesis of hit ligands using AI retrosynthesis
The optimal solution of hit compounds for in vitro / in vivo pharmacology investigation
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